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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Prayer Journal Entry #55: I Don't Want to Get Ahead of You

Dear God, (February 23rd, 2009)
Here I sit at the beginning of a new day. I don’t know what today holds, but You do, and You can handle it. I simply ask that no matter what happens in my life, that You would keep me on the straight and narrow way. Help me to keep trusting You and following, no matter what happens.
Father, I need You wisdom for the future. I’m not sure what I should do this summer. I want to serve You and prepare for life down the road, but how? Should I go to Jungle Jump Off? Should I go on some sort of missions trip? Should I get a job? Should I work at a camp? Should I go to CYIA? I want to go where You want me to go...I want to do what You want me to do. I trust that You will lead me where You want me to go. I’m not asking for the big picture; I just trust that You will guide me, one step at a time.
Lord, I don’t want to get ahead of You. Help me to not get caught up in what I think You want me to do, but to simply trust You to lead me where You want me to go. I just want to do Your will, Abba. I want to serve You with each moment of each day of my life. I thank You for each breath You give me. I thank You for making my heart beat. I thank You for the body You have given me. May I always use it for Your praise, honor and glory. May Your name be praised forever!
Yours Forever,

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