Dear God, (January 4th, 2008)
I missed You yesterday. In the hustle and bustle; in the business of the day, I let my time with You drop to the bottom of my list. Sometimes I just wish that I could go live an extremely simple life out in the middle of nowhere, where I wouldn’t have all the distractions of life pushing You out of the way. But then, I realized that living with my priorities straight is fairly easy when I’m on my own, but the true test is when I have all of these distractions in my life, but I still keep You as my #1 priority. That’s my goal this year: to keep You on the throne of my heart and life. I want my life to reflect the fact that You are #1, You call the shots, You are writing my life story. Not me, You.
If it takes getting up at 4 am to make You #1 in my day, I’ll do it. Whatever steps I need to take to put You as my highest priority, I will take them. I want to live in a way that pleases You, regardless of the consequences to me.
Please show me what You want me to do, Lord. I want to follow You. I want to make my life count, but how? I know that a life lived for You and only You is a life that counts, but what does that mean? How can I live for You, and make my life count?
I know that Your Word says, "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8) Please, change my heart, God, help me to please You in everything I think, say and do. I need You, Abba.
Yours Forever,
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